Lamb Vs Goat Meat

If you’re looking for something a little exotic for dinner, perhaps something to add some authenticity to your curry for example, you may be considering adding lamb or goat to your menu.  Increasingly popular in recent years, partially due to adventurous home chefs becoming more willing to broaden their barnyard horizons compared to previous generations, … Read more

Induction Cooking and You

So you’re in the market for a new stovetop. Sure, you love your Old Reliable and the classic, crusty patina it’s developed over meals past. But really, the fire department believes it’s time to give it up. You’re looking for something modern, sleek and high tech. Something with some scientific flair. After researching all kinds … Read more

Guide to Understanding Kitchen Knives

So you’re in the market to buy a high quality kitchen knife. Boy, won’t your friends be impressed when you slice and dice and even make julienne fries. But as you start browsing, you’re hit with numbers and weights and…wait, is that a blacksmith? Once you get serious about your cooking or grilling, you quickly … Read more

Everything You Wanted to Know About Ceramic Knives (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Coming out of Japan in 1985, modern ceramic knives made a big splash in the world of cutlery and cooking. For the longest time, amateur chefs, home cookers, BBQ pit-masters and enthusiasts all had a…complicated…relationship with their beloved steel knives. A well-made, balanced and maintained knife wasn’t just a useful tool for slicing brisket, it … Read more