The Results You Want
From Products You Can Trust
Save Time
Ever wanted to buy something for your grill or kitchen and been overwhelmed by the choices out there?
At Platelligence we do the leg work for you. We analyze, test and review to find the best grilling, BBQ, smoker and cooking products and services out there so you can spend less time in front of a screen and more time impressing your friends and loved ones.
Save Money
Your money is important to you and, call us crazy, but we think you just might want to spend it on things that actually work and work well.
We work hard to find the best cooking products and services out there and lay them out in a way that can help you pick the right products for your specific needs, wants, and budget.
Save Dinner
We sort through dozens if not hundreds of cooking products, services, subscription boxes, apps and more.
Not only do we weed out those items that can’t take the heat, but more often than not we’ll find hidden gems that may transform your grilling, cooking or BBQing experience.